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Ring Split Charge Relay Wiring Diagram

Got your bombardment? Got your split lodge relay kit?

Fab. This is how you can install your split charge electrical relay. Most kits will too accompany the instructions so you should already have a ruff idea along what needs to be done.


Fit the 2 fuses in the immix  holders. One should go into between the moderate that goes from the starter battery to the split electric charge relay and one 'tween the split charge relay to the leisure battery.

The cables should already come with the terminals attached, so you sporting need to unscrew the crackpot on the fuse holder, site the fuse and the cable terminal and screw the nut back in.


Unattackable the fuse holders. I fastened the first one to the starting motor battery cage victimisation some cable ties, and the forward one to the hindermost of the leisure time battery box with some screws.


Drill a littler whole on the caravan floor to let the cable from the starter battery through.I found this one of the most challenging stairs on my van changeover, as I was unbelievably nervous at the idea of drilling through with the van base.

I drilled mine on the back of the passenger seat, as this is were i placed my barrage fire. Take your time when choosing the best spot for the hole, have a close look low-level your van to piddle sure you're non drilling into any essential bits! The perfect spot will be long from any critical parts, and should fitting be a flat shallow.

4. Convulsion THE CABLES

Pass the cable through with the engine compartment, under the van consistency and up through the muddle you drilled. Compensate the cable with split plastic conduit and fix victimization cable ties.


Connect the wire from the two batteries to the split charge relay. To to this, remove the back plastic cover and unscrew the nuts. Place the leads and screw the nuts back in. For some reason the relay i got didn't cause any gaps on the plastic edges to place the cables. This was easy fixed by cutting two with a small Dremel torch.

6. Worldly concern THE BLACK CABLE

Find a suitable pose to colligate the covert cable from the leisure shelling to the van. I settled mine behind the leisure battery box, low-level the passenger seat.

You will demand to scrape the paint away from the area you want to place the cable, to get a best connection. To secure the cable to the blow out of the water you will need a thick pan head screw complete with its nut.


Tie in the blackened lead to the leisure time bombardment.


Tighten the crackers on the relay and fix information technology to its unaccustomed home. I fixed mine on the back of the leisure time stamp battery box.

9. EARTH THE Electrical relay

Ground the relay away copulative the black cable to the caravan or directly to the disinclined leisure barrage fire terminal. I fitted a ring connector to the black cable as it didn't have one.

10. CONNECT TO STARTER Bombardment

Link up the cables to the starter battery (by just unscrewing the nut and place the lead on cover of the firstly blood-red cable) and to the leisure battery.


Tighten all the connections and make sure everything has been fitted right.


Check that the relay is on the job correctly. To do this you leave motivation a multimeter (i bought mine Here). When the engine is off, the leisure barrage fire you bought (if to the full charged) should deliver a current of ~12 V.

When the engine is switched on, if the relay has been installed properly, the voltage should increase to 13.8-14.4V. The Durite I used gives an clunky click when it switches off and on. When on a small ruby light also appears.

And… TADAAAAN you're cooked! Your today make electricity on your cherished van.

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Source: https://pamthevan.com/2016/07/19/how-to-install-a-split-charge-relay-durite/

Posted by: serenasafi.blogspot.com